The Institute Steps Forward In Producing Veterinary Drugs
The National Veterinary Institute steps forward in processing animal medicines as striving to realize its mission.
As government development organization, the institute is responsible by decree in processing veterinary medicines. However, since recently the institute was engaged no more than producing veterinary vaccines.
Devising a sound strategy to build up its production capacity, now the institute has become competitive in veterinary vaccine production both at national and continental echelon.
At this time the institute is producing more than 22 varieties of veterinary vaccines, with this persuading national interest in the field. Currently the institute exports veterinary vaccines to 27 destination countries in Africa.
As set in the first Growth and Transformation plan (GTP), the institute is pressing on fabrication veterinary medicines so as to realize its aspiration. It has reached an agreement with an Indian firm, FabTech, to set up veterinary medicine factory with a total cost of 97 million birr.
Foundation is already laid in the institute’s campus in Bishoftu town and is expected to complete its construction within a year. General Manager of the institute Doctor Martha Yami during foundation ceremonial said, the construction of the factory ensures to step the institute forward in processing veterinary medicines.
It is obvious that illicit veterinary medicines are pouring into many markets and hurting animal health gravely, she added. There is also improper handling of medicines for longer time which in turn have an effect on the efficiency of medicines.
She indicated that the factory will have a decisive role in providing genuine medicines and overcoming the problem of inefficiency. It enables the country to recuperate huge amount of hard currency used to purchase veterinary medicines as well.
Correspondingly by developing its production capacity and through experience, the institute intends to transform itself for biological production that once imported from abroad.
As governmental organization, the institute would also strive for quality veterinary medicine production so that ensuring animal health at national level.
This state of fact is believed to bolster the institute to become effective veterinary medicines producer and distributor even at continental height. Finally the institute will contribute a lot to the national science and technology development endeavors.