Launching International Training Workshop
The National Veterinary Institute (NVI) in collaboration with the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture will organize a training course on “Transboundary Animal Diseases Diagnosis: Early Detection and Characterization” from 23 October to 03 November 2017. The training will be conducted in the training and laboratory facilities of the National Veterinary Institute. Senior scientist in the field of the training agenda will come from FAO/IAEA-Austria, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie-Italy, Centre for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases-South Africa, AU/PANVAC-Ethiopia and NVI-Ethiopia to provide theoretical and practical training.
Aim of the training:
The purpose of this training is to promote the application of accurate and differential diagnosis of major transboundary and zoonotic animal diseases in Member State veterinary laboratories. This training will reinforce the participants’ knowledge to detect, conduct surveillance, and perform epidemiological studies on some of the major viral and bacterial pathogens affecting poultry and ruminants.
Expected outcome of the training:
- Increased understanding of the participants on the use of various diagnostic tools for pathogen detection,
- Improved capacity of the participants’ laboratories to perform a more specific diagnosis of Highly pathogenic influenza, Newcastle disease, and Infectious bronchitis viruses in poultry and Rift Valley Fever, Brucella and Pox diseases in ruminants and camels,
- Improved interactions between scientists of Sub-Saharan African veterinary laboratories.
More than 20 participants from Sub-Saharan African veterinary laboratories will come from:
– Botswana | – Cote d’Ivoire | – Mozambique |
– Burkina Faso | – DR Congo | – Namibia |
– Cameroon | – Ethiopia | – Senegal |
– Chad | – Kenya | – Tanzania |
– Congo | – Mali | – Zambia |